Labour and Employment

At EFS Group we achieve effective solutions for our clients, both Polish and international, while dealing with the constantly evolving Polish employment law. Our Labour and Employment partners are committed to helping clients manage such changes quickly and efficiently in such areas as; dispute resolution, contractual arrangements, dismissals and redundancies and secondments.

Many of our clients also seek advice on their equity based compensation plans. We can optimize such plans in relation to all relevant taxation on income, or capital gains liabilities. Furthermore, we can create a range of innovative incentive plans and guide our clients with the selection and implementation of the most appropriate strategy.

Pension plans also play an increasingly more important role within well managed organisations, however, they can also represent some meaningful risks. Our advice allows corporate clients to develop advanced security arrangements and investment structures ensuring stable management of these important liabilities.

All these strategies help our clients establish and promote good working relationships with employees, board of trustees, regulatory bodies and other stakeholders.