Private Clients

At EFS Group we offer innovative and comprehensive solutions tailored to meet the very specific needs of successful & wealthy individuals in Poland and abroad. For these individuals we provide expert tax and legal consulting through an intimate knowledge of Polish and international structures and processes.

We guide our clients, in Poland and abroad, through such issues as tax optimization, tax residency, real estate, philanthropy and the most efficient and appropriate methods of transferring wealth to the next generation. Our partners have the necessary experience to manage some of the most challenging issues related to wealth, including reconciling the requirements of different legal and tax systems. As laws and taxes change rapidly, our partners remain alert to the new developments in Poland and oversees, offering constantly updated research and insights to our clients.

We aim to achieve a cohesive, comprehensive and workable framework for the management of our clients’ assets, often working alongside other professional advisers. Also, when needed, we coordinate with our international network of Geneva Group International (GGI) to optimize the available advantages of foreign jurisdictions.